
Your Remedy Blog


Thanks for stopping by. I share articles on healthy living, herbs, food as medicine, and my own personal take on “hot” health topics.


Disclaimer: This blog provides general information only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Naturopath writing a blog on a laptop
Pimp your plate with pesto

Pimp your plate with pesto

If you own a blender or food processor you’ve got the ability to make a pesto. The thing I love about pesto is that there are so many options and it’s so quick and easy to make. A real one-bowl wonder! Pesto packs a big nutrient punch with loads of vitamins, minerals,...

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Does alcohol help you sleep?

Does alcohol help you sleep?

There’s been a meme floating about on social media recently: I finally found my sleep number. It’s “6”. Six glasses of wine!   But does alcohol really help you sleep?   Alcohol has a long history of use as a sedative....

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The (not so) humble breakfast porridge

The (not so) humble breakfast porridge

Porridge makes a regular appearance on the breakfast menu at my house at during winter because it’s quick to prepare (with a little bit of work the night before), warming and keeps me satisfied right up until lunch. While oats are considered the “traditional” porridge...

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Welcome to Your Remedy Naturopathy

Welcome to Your Remedy Naturopathy

Your Naturopath in Greenslopes, Brisbane   Hi, I’m Norelle Hentschel owner and Naturopath at Your Remedy Naturopathy. I see my clients from a clinic located at Stones Corner, Greenslopes in Brisbane.     About me As well as a love of all things herbal and...

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Cover image for 7 Foundations of better sleep ebook