Your Remedy Blog
Thanks for stopping by. I share articles on healthy living, herbs, food as medicine, and my own personal take on “hot” health topics.
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
Pimp your plate with pesto
If you own a blender or food processor you’ve got the ability to make a pesto. The thing I love about pesto is that there are so many options and it’s so quick and easy to make. A real one-bowl wonder! Pesto packs a big nutrient punch with loads of vitamins, minerals,...
High blood pressure? You need to be eating these four foods.
Your doctor has told you that you’ve just been granted membership to the 1 billion strong worldwide group of people with high blood pressure 1. Where to next? Why you DON'T want to be a member of “Club Hypertension” High blood pressure (refer to...
Breathing your way to better health
What if I told you there was something you could do right now (and hopefully ARE doing right now) that’s totally free and requires no equipment? It will: Increase your energy, Sharpen your mind, Reduce anxiety, Boost your immune system, Lower blood pressure and...
Does alcohol help you sleep?
There’s been a meme floating about on social media recently: I finally found my sleep number. It’s “6”. Six glasses of wine! But does alcohol really help you sleep? Alcohol has a long history of use as a sedative....
ACE inhibitor cough? This nutrient may help.
Have you developed a persistent dry cough, with a tickling sensation in your throat since you started taking angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)? Well, you are not alone. The ACE inhibitor cough side effect occurs in up to 35% of people taking...
The (not so) humble breakfast porridge
Porridge makes a regular appearance on the breakfast menu at my house at during winter because it’s quick to prepare (with a little bit of work the night before), warming and keeps me satisfied right up until lunch. While oats are considered the “traditional” porridge...
Why “sleep hygiene” should be part of your everyday routine
Every health practitioner worth their cup of warm milk these days seems to be talking about sleep or more correctly the lack of it. This is definitely worth discussing as insomnia affects up to 50% of the population. The true figure might actually be far higher as...
Welcome to Your Remedy Naturopathy
Your Naturopath in Greenslopes, Brisbane Hi, I’m Norelle Hentschel owner and Naturopath at Your Remedy Naturopathy. I see my clients from a clinic located at Stones Corner, Greenslopes in Brisbane. About me As well as a love of all things herbal and...