Diet & Nutrition


The importance of diet and nutrition

Your diet is a pillar of your health. It can either support or hinder your wellbeing.

I don’t prescribe one particular way of eating (although I do tend to bang on about “eating your veggies” quite a bit!). I encourage and guide you to create your own version of a healthy diet.

Fad diets come and go. If you learn and apply the principles of healthy eating and take notice of how food is making you feel you’ll have a solid foundation for health.

Selection of green vegetables recommended by Brisbane Nutritionist

Three questions to consider.

Is my diet nourishing (my body and soul)?

A good diet should provide all the nutrients you need to maintain your wellbeing. Food is a sociable and enjoyable experience so it’s important to keep this aspect in mind as well.


Am I thriving?

There are many versions of healthy eating. But not all of them will work for everyone. Some people will feel good eating higher fats and lower carbs, some won’t. Some people do well on a purely plant based diet, others do better by including meat.

This is why is is important to listen to the wisdom of your body.

Does how you eat give you plenty of energy? Do you get cravings? What’s your mood like? How do you feel after eating?


Does my diet suit my lifestyle?

How much time do you have to prepare food? What is your budget? Can you sustain this way of eating long term? These are all important considerations in planning your diet.


 You can’t out exercise a bad diet

Creating a healthy diet is an essential part of your treatment plan. It’s ideally how you want to maintain health in the long-term.

Approach to treatment

Naturopath with bowl of fruit

Diet assessment

To begin I like to assess how you are currently eating and how this makes you feel. We’ll then optimise your diet. Often it’s not about radical change but rather swapping things out for healthier options.   You set the pace of change you feel comfortable with. A certain diet may be recommended to manage a health condition.

Nutritional supplements to support naturopath treatmetn


Targeted nutritional supplementation may be recommended in the short to medium term in order to get you on the road to wellness sooner. I like to phase these out as your health improves. When it comes to supplement prescribing I prefer a minimalist approach.

Naturopath with helping hand in Stones Corner, Brisbane

Guidance & Support

You’ll get loads of practical tips and recipe resources. I’m also here to encourage you.  Making changes can be daunting. I’ll cheer you on, and keep you on track.

Open book with tree of knowledge


Education on how to optimise your digestion including importance of chewing, mindful eating, how to determine appropriate portions and diet strategies to manage specific conditions. The goal is to make you self sufficient.

friends eating a healthy meal

We’ll keep it real

A healthy diet is what you do 98% of the time. Occasional indulgences are part of a healthy relationship with food and life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some of my most frequently asked questions relating to diet and nutrition. Not answered here? Head on over the the FAQs page.

How much does an appointment cost?

My current consultation fees can be found on my book a consult page.

Do you treat food allergies and intolerances?

Yes, but it’s important to make a distinction because allergies and intolerances are very different

Food allergies
A food allergy is an immune reaction to a food or a component of food. Common food allergies include nuts and shellfish.

Symptoms come on quickly (within minutes of consuming a trigger food) Reactions may be mild such and itching to life-threatening anaphylaxis. These need to be managed by avoiding exposure to trigger foods. You may be able to lessen the impact of an allergy by improving other areas of your health.


Food Intolerances
Intolerances differ from allergies in that they are generally not life threatening. Symptoms are slower to develop and may appear up to 24-72 hours after the food has been eaten. Symptoms include bloating, mild abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation. Common intolerances include: dairy, gluten, eggs, high FODMAPS foods. We can explore what may be causing this through diet and symptom diaries and a variety of functional testing options.

Are you GAPS certified?

No, but if you head on over to and click on the Practitioner tab you’ll find GAPS practitioner recommendations for your area.

Do you do meal plans?

No, I don’t do detailed meal plans. I focus on providing you with the principles of healthy eating. You’ll get loads of resources, recipes and tips to ensure you can become the master of your own healthy diet!

Are you ready for better health?

Let’s get started.

Want to chat?

Clinic hours

Mon: Closed

Tue: Closed

Wed: 11am – 8pm

Thur: 11am- 8pm

Fri: 9am -5pm

Sat: 8am-2pm

I'm Norelle Hentschel.

I'm an experienced Naturopath with a clinic in Stones Corner, Greenslopes Brisbane. I've helped many people improve their health. I'm ready to help you feel better and regain your energy and vitality.

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