Your Remedy Blog
Thanks for stopping by. I share articles on healthy living, herbs, food as medicine, and my own personal take on “hot” health topics.
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
Easy homemade Elderberry syrup recipe
Elderberries have a long history of medicinal use. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, extolled their many virtues proclaiming them to be a herbal “medicine chest”. Elderberry syrup is a delicious way to enjoy the benefits of this plant. Even kids will love...
Health benefits of resistant starch: your ultimate guide
Put resistant starch on the menu The microbes in our digestive tract outnumber our cells by around 3 to 1. We are more “bug” than human. The majority of our microbiome lives in our colon. The highly processed food and simple carbs dominating the modern Western...
Hibiscus Iced Tea
Time for (iced) tea With summer turning on it’s scorching best here in Brisbane chilled drinks are all the go. This refreshing, colourful and tasty hibiscus iced tea hits the spot perfectly. Health benefits of hibiscus Hibiscus sabdariffa is a plant...
Is leaky gut causing your acne?
Fix your digestion to get clear skin Naturopaths have long observed the link between an unhealthy digestive system and acne. The gut-brain-skin theory proposes emotional states such as anxiety, depression and psychological stress alter the balance of beneficial gut...
The role of progesterone in acne
Progesterone and acne Androgens (testosterone and DHT) are usually the first suspects when looking to arrest the course of hormonal acne. However, sub-optimal levels of progesterone should also be in the frame. What is progesterone? Progesterone is a steroid sex...
Buckwheat chocolate chip cookies
These buckwheat cookies not only taste like a treat they are bursting with nutrients. You can rest easy that you're not sabotaging your healthy eating goals. What do I love about them, apart from the taste? Buckwheat The “wheat” in buckwheat is somewhat...
Health benefits of asparagus
Let’s hear a cheer for the spear! One of the delights of heading into spring is the appearance of asparagus at the local produce market. The Australian season lasts from September –March but the prime time for asparagus is considered September –December. Health...
Lactoferrin for acne: what you need to know
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition of the sebaceous (oil-secreting glands) glands. The more inflammatory your acne is the higher risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation. The goal of most nutritional acne treatment is to calm the inflammation and bring the sebaceous...
BPA plastic and acne
Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals is a factor that doesn't receive sufficient attention when it comes to hormonal health imbalances like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and acne. One of the most researched endocrine disruptors is Bisphenol A (BPA) an...
Roast Carrot and Butter Bean Soup
Are you looking for an alternative to the ever-popular pumpkin soup? Well, this roast carrot and butter bean soup could be just the ticket. Roasting the carrots ramps up the sweetness and the butter beans add a creamy, velvet-like texture. This soup is perfect for...
Should you give up dairy if you have acne?
The link between milk and breakouts “Ditch the dairy” is a sweeping piece of diet advice often given to people with acne. Will removing this so-called “dietary villain” give you clear skin? Unfortunately, there's no definitive “one size fits all” answer here. Yes,...
Best non-dairy sources of calcium
Do we need dairy for calcium? Dairy foods are widely promoted as significant dietary sources of calcium. But, can you still get enough calcium if you are not consuming milk products? Following is a guide to the highest non-dairy calcium foods for those who are lactose...