Your Remedy Blog
Thanks for stopping by. I share articles on healthy living, herbs, food as medicine, and my own personal take on “hot” health topics.
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Natural treatments for perioral dermatitis
Are you struggling with perioral dermatitis? You're not alone. This frustrating skin condition can be challenging to treat, but natural remedies can provide support. This article explores the causes and underlying drivers and discusses some effective, natural...
Understanding PCOS acne and what natural treatments can help
What does PCOS acne look like? It is estimated that between 30-48% of women with treatment-resistant cystic acne may have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (Mehta-Ambalal, 2017). Acne may be the canary in the coal mine warning of a deeper endocrine disorder....
Will sea moss improve your skin health?
Like clothes, supplements come in and out of fashion. Remember when coconut oil was solving all our problems? I'm currently hearing a lot of buzz about sea moss. Social media influencers are spooning it into their smoothies and singing its praises for smooth, glowing...
A guide to using zinc for acne
Zinc is a trace mineral essential for health. Over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body require zinc, including digestive health, immune function, DNA transcription, blood glucose control, antioxidant defences, neurotransmitter production, and hormone regulation. Zinc...
Natural treatments for dry skin
Dry skin or xerosis/xeroderma is a common skin disorder. It occurs along a spectrum from mild winter dry skin in those who are otherwise healthy to atopic dermatitis/eczema. Symptoms include rough, dry, flaky/scaly skin with varying degrees of itching. In more severe...
The role of gut health in Long Covid recovery
Is gut health the key to treating long covid? Long covid or post-acute covid syndrome (PACS) is a major health challenge arising from the pandemic. If you have lingering symptoms 12 weeks after an acute Covid-19 infection, you may have long covid. ...
Will Vitex help my acne?
Vitex agnus castus (Chasteberry, Monkberry) is a popular herbal remedy for female reproductive health and hormonal acne. You can find Vitex at many health food stores and chemists, but it's not a panacea for all forms of female acne. Read on to discover who...
Health benefits of chia seeds
Chia (Salvia hispanica) is a tiny, nutrient-dense seed with a long history of use from ancient Aztecs to the modern day. Chia seeds are easy to add to your favourite dishes and can provide a tasty and healthy boost to any meal. Chia Seeds Nutritional information...
Tips for managing perimenopause fatigue
Many women in their 40s experience overwhelming, bone-deep physical and mental fatigue. No matter how much you sleep, you always feel exhausted. Simple tasks require enormous effort. You used to breeze through your days, and now you're slogging uphill, through...
11 ways chamomile tea can support your health
Thought chamomile was simply a delicious tea? Think again; this humble herb is an effective kitchen remedy for several minor ailments. It's readily available, affordable, and easy to take when travelling. Reach into the pantry, brew a pot, and learn how to use this...
Thyroid function and acne: an overlooked hormone in skin health
The link between hypothyroidism and acne Hormonal imbalances are a key driver of acne. Androgens hog the limelight, but both clinical and subclinical thyroid dysfunction is detrimental to skin health. This article explores how thyroid disease contributes to...
What to know before coming off antidepressants
Is it possible to come off antidepressants? Yes, it is. A 2021 study looked at people taking SSRIs and found 44% tapered their medications without a relapse. While this statistic is heartening, Internet forums abound with stories of struggles to come off...