What is conjunctivitis? Many of us have experienced “pink eye” or, conjunctivitis. You wake up in the morning with your eyelids stuck together; your eye is pink, painful and puffy. Frankly, you look like you’ve been way too friendly with a bottle of tequila the...
Many of us are celebrating the return of warmer weather. For some though the last thing they want to do is gambol through the grassy, flower-filled meadow. Hay fever high alert! Cue itchy, red, puffy eyes, sniffles, endless sneezing, sinus headaches and...
What’s the first thing you think of when I say “Cod Liver Oil”? People of a certain age will most likely be turning up their noses at memories of a weekly drenching with a slimy oil that made them gag and left them with fishy burps. The good news is that 21st...
Many of us are familiar with the tingling, itchy or burning sensation on our lips or mouth that heralds the arrival of a cold sore. Always at the least opportune time! These sores are caused by the Herpes simplex 1 virus (HSV1) that up to 95% of us get in...
How echinacea boosts your immune system Echinacea is the foundation in most of my herbal immune prescriptions. This plant is a member of the asteraceae or daisy family and has vibrant purple-pink flowers. But for immune purposes it is the less attractive roots doing...
Oxymel is a word you don’t hear used in everyday conversation. So, what is an oxymel and why would you want one? The word comes pretty much straight from the Latin, oxymeli which means acid + honey. An oxymel is a traditional way of preparing herbs that have an...