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What does a Naturopath do?

What does a Naturopath do?

One of the questions I’m often asked is: “What does a Naturopath do?” The profession of Naturopathy is broad. There are core modalities such as nutrition and herbal medicine, but many practitioners also have training in other areas, including aromatherapy,...

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Cauliflower Breakfast Casserole

Cauliflower Breakfast Casserole

In recent times cauliflower has become a popular substitute for starchy carbs (pizza crust, cauliflower rice). In this breakfast recipe cauliflower rightly takes centre stage in all its vegetable glory.   Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable, a member of the...

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Can low Vitamin D cause insomnia?

Can low Vitamin D cause insomnia?

Vitamin D and sleep If you’re one of the estimated 40% of Australians who has sleep issues, you've probably tried many things to get your sleep back on track. An increasingly common but often overlooked contributor to the inability to get deep, refreshing sleep is low...

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