Recently a study was presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association reporting low gluten diets increased the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. When this was distilled into media sound bites, the message implied gluten-free diets paved the way for...
I am a naturopath and health blogger. My mission is to provide quality, researched natural health advice for my current clients, potential clients as well as those who may never be my clients. Hey, if something I write resonates and you make positive...
Welcome to Part 3 of 9 reasons you crave sugar. Part 1 explored how a lack of sleep, stress and blood sugar imbalances made it difficult to resist sweet temptations. Part 2 took a quick peek into the complex world of neurology and hormones. In Part 3 we’ll look...
Welcome to part 2 of – 9 reasons you crave sugar. In Part 1 we looked at how a lack of sleep, stress and blood sugar imbalance impacted on how easily you could resist sweet temptations. In this article, we take a quick peek into the complex world of neurology...
Find the underlying cause for your sugar cravings Sugar and simple carbohydrates are some of the most addictive substances out there. Some research suggests sugar is as addictive as cocaine. Beating sugar cravings is one of the key health goals identified by women...
Why the majority of us don’t need to detox. The New Year’s Eve sparklers have barely burned out before the health and wellness world is shouting about the benefits of a “New Years detox/cleanse.” Now don’t get me wrong, as a Naturopath...