Hands up, who wants to get smarter? Perhaps you’re a student with exams coming up or just wanting to take preventative action against age-related memory decline. Well, the herbal world has got you covered. Nootropic is a fancy word for “acting on the...
Judging by the length of history many herbs have with helping us to sleep, we humans have always struggled to get quality shut-eye. Although there is a cupboard full of herbs for sleep I have chosen my five favourites to share with you. A note on safety...
The right to painless periods If you are one of the estimated 50% or more of women who dread “that time of the month” due to cramping, shooting, dragging pain which accompanies your period you may have been told “it’s all part of being a woman”, “it’s...
You’ve got pain in your lower belly. A constant urge to pee. Your bladder feels like it’s on fire and your toilet bowl smells like something from the pits of hell. Hello, urinary tract infection! Most women will experience at least one in their life. However, some...
What is conjunctivitis? Many of us have experienced “pink eye” or, conjunctivitis. You wake up in the morning with your eyelids stuck together; your eye is pink, painful and puffy. Frankly, you look like you’ve been way too friendly with a bottle of tequila the...
“Migraines – the only time taking a hammer to your own skull seems like an appropriate solution.” Unknown Any one of the estimated 25% (20% female, 5% male) of the population who suffer from migraines will tell you they are so much more than “just a...