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The role of gut health in Long Covid recovery

The role of gut health in Long Covid recovery

Is gut health the key to treating long covid?   Long covid or post-acute covid syndrome (PACS) is a major health challenge arising from the pandemic. If you have lingering symptoms 12 weeks after an acute Covid-19 infection, you may have long covid.  ...

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Will Vitex help my acne?

Will Vitex help my acne?

Vitex agnus castus (Chasteberry, Monkberry) is a popular herbal remedy for female reproductive health and hormonal acne. You can find Vitex at many health food stores and chemists, but it's not a panacea for all forms of female acne.   Read on to discover who...

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Health benefits of chia seeds

Health benefits of chia seeds

Chia (Salvia hispanica) is a tiny, nutrient-dense seed with a long history of use from ancient Aztecs to the modern day. Chia seeds are easy to add to your favourite dishes and can provide a tasty and healthy boost to any meal. Chia Seeds Nutritional information...

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