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BPA plastic and acne

BPA plastic and acne

Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals is a factor that doesn't receive sufficient attention when it comes to hormonal health imbalances like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and acne. One of the most researched endocrine disruptors is Bisphenol A (BPA) an...

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Roast Carrot and Butter Bean Soup

Roast Carrot and Butter Bean Soup

Are you looking for an alternative to the ever-popular pumpkin soup? Well, this roast carrot and butter bean soup could be just the ticket. Roasting the carrots ramps up the sweetness and the butter beans add a creamy, velvet-like texture. This soup is perfect for...

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Should you give up dairy if you have acne?

Should you give up dairy if you have acne?

The link between milk and breakouts   “Ditch the dairy” is a sweeping piece of diet advice often given to people with acne. Will removing this so-called “dietary villain” give you clear skin? Unfortunately, there's no definitive “one size fits all” answer here. Yes,...

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