Hands up, who wants to get smarter? Perhaps you’re a student with exams coming up or just wanting to take preventative action against age-related memory decline. Well, the herbal world has got you covered. Nootropic is a fancy word for “acting on the...
Sleep for brain health Sleep helps your brain work better. Get enough good quality time between the sheets, and you’ll ace the competition in learning tasks, memory recall and reaction times. Recent research reveals the detrimental effect of chronic poor...
Magnesium – a key nutrient Magnesium is one most common intracellular mineral that has over 300 biochemical functions in the body including the production of neurotransmitters, muscle contraction – relaxation phase and cellular energy production via the...
Meditation is an ancient spiritual practice that is increasingly being validated by modern science for its ability to alter how your brain works1. Sleep is all about the brain. You need the correct balance of hormones and neurotransmitters to enter the land of...
“Migraines – the only time taking a hammer to your own skull seems like an appropriate solution.” Unknown Any one of the estimated 25% (20% female, 5% male) of the population who suffer from migraines will tell you they are so much more than “just a...
Sleep Maintenance Insomnia Are you the kind of person who goes to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow but as soon as the clock ticks over to 3 am you are awake very, very AWAKE? Your next few precious sleep hours are spent tossing and turning and...