Natural ways to support mild to moderate fevers ** Caveat: This article discusses the management of uncomplicated, mild to moderate, self-limiting fever in otherwise healthy adults. Prolonged fevers and those associated with convulsions, rashes or neck pain...
A common nutrient deficiency Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. A 2010 study estimated that 1 in every 3 people (32.9%) have low iron1. Why iron is important Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin found in your...
What is sinusitis? Chronic sinusitis and allergic rhinitis affect a significant number of people. If you are one of the estimated 15% of individuals with this condition you’ll know all about the facial pain from swollen and blocked sinuses, breathing...
Dust mites and allergies One of the most common culprits of inhalant allergies is dust mites. These sightless, eight-legged arthropods are invisible to the naked eye, but they are common houseguests in temperate to subtropical climates. Although called dust...
To use an oft (over) quoted line from Game of Thrones – Winter is coming…. This means more time cooped up indoors and more sharing of germs. Of course, the best foundation for your immune system is a nutritious diet, regular exercise and plenty of sleep,...
Are you too embarrassed to wear open toed shoes because your toenails look like they belong on a creature from Jurassic Park? The yellow-white discolouration, nail thickening and crumbling are characteristics of a fungal nail infection or onychomycosis....