Is leaky gut causing your acne?

Is leaky gut causing your acne?

Fix your digestion to get clear skin Naturopaths have long observed the link between an unhealthy digestive system and acne. The gut-brain-skin theory proposes emotional states such as anxiety, depression and psychological stress alter the balance of beneficial gut...
The role of progesterone in acne

The role of progesterone in acne

Progesterone and acne Androgens (testosterone and DHT) are usually the first suspects when looking to arrest the course of hormonal acne. However, sub-optimal levels of progesterone should also be in the frame.   What is progesterone? Progesterone is a steroid sex...
Lactoferrin for acne: what you need to know

Lactoferrin for acne: what you need to know

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition of the sebaceous (oil-secreting glands) glands. The more inflammatory your acne is the higher risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation. The goal of most nutritional acne treatment is to calm the inflammation and bring the sebaceous...
BPA plastic and acne

BPA plastic and acne

Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals is a factor that doesn’t receive sufficient attention when it comes to hormonal health imbalances like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and acne. One of the most researched endocrine disruptors is Bisphenol A (BPA) an...
Should you give up dairy if you have acne?

Should you give up dairy if you have acne?

The link between milk and breakouts   “Ditch the dairy” is a sweeping piece of diet advice often given to people with acne. Will removing this so-called “dietary villain” give you clear skin? Unfortunately, there’s no definitive “one size fits all” answer here....